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Elixir programming language Wikipedia

By 22/09/2023novembre 11th, 2023No Comments

Before we see some code, it’s worth saying that Elixir has been accepted by the community which is growing. The combination of fault-tolerance and message passing makes Elixir an excellent choice for event-driven systems and robust architectures. Frameworks, such as Nerves, build on this foundation to enable productive development of reliable embedded/IoT systems. We needed an experienced ASP.NET MVC architect to guide the development of our start-up app, and Toptal had three great candidates for us in less than a week.

What is an Erlang developer

The average annual income of an Erlang Developer is between $110,000 (25th percentile) and $166,500 (75th percentile) according to Ziprecruiter (source). Since OTP 18.0, Erlang/OTP is released under Apache License 2.0. The older releases were released under Erlang Public License (EPL), a derivative work of the Mozilla Public License (MPL). Now some pointers that don’t really fit in the list above, but deserve to be mentioned anyway. You can find the whole list using $ make help, and you can, of course, add more by just extending your Makefile.

Hire the Top 3% of Freelance Erlang Developers

If restarting the connected workers doesn’t solve the problem a given amount of times in a period, the supervisor will terminate all its children and then itself. At that point, the responsibility to try to handle the problem is pushed upwards to the next supervision layer. At the bottom leaves of the tree, we have worker processes – the ones doing most of the work. Up from them, we have supervisors, which launch the workers and check up on them.

When we talk about the Erlang programming language, we mean the language semantics. Language semantics includes aspects taken from functional, logic and concurrent programming, providing a higher level of abstraction resulting in less code which is more expressive and easier to maintain. At the time of Erlang’s conception, telecom systems were the only systems which had to be scalable, handle peak loads predictably and never fail. 💡 The average annual income of professional developers worldwide (US and non-US) is between $33,000 and $95,000 for various programming languages. 💡 The average annual income of professional developers in the US is between $70,000 and $177,500 for various programming languages.


While Erlang is not as popular as some modern programming languages, it quietly runs applications like WhatsApp and WeChat that serve massive amounts of users every day. Erlang is a programming language designed to offer concurrency and fault-tolerance, making it perfect for the needs of modern computing. Talk to us about how you can handle more users, safer, faster and with less physical infrastructure demands. Imagine a VM handling a million TCP/IP connections, each managed by a process serving a customer, where load share and CPU allocation for each process is fair and constant. This equates to a predictable user-experience, where a million users can be served on a single instance. All the programmer has to worry about is developing code to handle a single user (a process), and the VM will automatically scale it to millions.

  • He’s a computer science enthusiast, freelancer, and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.
  • Processes are given a design pattern such as servers, finite state machines, event handlers or supervisors, all packaged in reusable libraries.
  • You can copy OTP and its libraries, but if it does not run on the BEAM, you can not emulate the semantics.
  • The Erlang shell is a powerful thing, but you can add much more power to it with the three tools that I will show you below.
  • Rather, it is about containing failure when it inescapably happens, since in life, things do sometimes fail.
  • Now some pointers that don’t really fit in the list above, but deserve to be mentioned anyway.

If the number of requests increases to 200,000, throughput will remain the same, but latency will increase to 2 seconds. What is important is that all requests are served with no degradation of throughput, even when spikes happen. With many other Virtual Machines, an increase in requests often leads to a degradation of service, possibly grinding to a halt. Elixir is awesome, easy to understand, has simple but powerful types and very useful tooling around it which will help you when beginning to learn.

What’s in a Programming Language?

Xref is a cross-reference tool that analyses your code and finds calls to unexistent functions, deprecated functions and other similar things. It doesn’t search as deeply as dialyzer, but it will spot obvious bugs in no time. Now, if Makefiles are not your thing and you prefer to use the official build tool (since March 2016) sponsored by the Erlang/OTP team, then rebar3 is your way to go.

What is an Erlang developer

The most common class of ‘less suitable’ problems is
characterised by performance being
a prime requirement and constant-factors
having a large effect on performance. Typical examples are
image processing, signal processing, sorting large
volumes of data and low-level protocol termination. In programming, a library is a collection of already compiled code that a programmer can use in his program. Libraries are particularly useful for storing frequently used code. If you would like to read more posts on BEAM languages, don’t be afraid to also follow us on Twitter or Medium.

News: Elixir v1.15 released

In fact, they had trouble load testing it with traditional tools, in the end, they needed to fall back to using Erlang to load test Erlang. The investment banking giant, Goldman Sachs, use Erlang in part of its hedge fund trading platform. The Goldman Sachs platform is a very low latency (microseconds) event-driven market data processing, strategy, and order submission engine.

Now, in order to run your tests against the Anagram module you need to run/compile the tests. Elixir’s interactive shell or IEx is a REPL – (Read Evaluate Print Loop) where you can explore Elixir. You can input expressions there and they will be evaluated giving you immediate feedback. Keep in mind that your code is truly evaluated and not compiled, so make sure not to run profiling nor benchmarks in the shell. Installing Elixir is super easy in all major platforms and is an one-liner in most of them. Please help us protect Glassdoor by verifying that you’re a
real person.

More about functional programming you can find in our introduction to FP. You can copy OTP and its libraries, but if it does not run on the BEAM, you can not emulate the semantics. This is why using OTP ported to .net or the JVM will not work. On the other hand, many languages are being ported to the BEAM VM, making full use of OTP, Elixir being the most popular. But let’s not forget Luerl, Lisp Flavoured Erlang, Efene and at least a dozen more.

What is an Erlang developer

The engineering team consisted of 32 people, of which only ten worked on the server-side. The server-side team developed new features, maintained existing ones and supported the whole system. Basically, they were also the ones who got woken up in the middle of the night if something went wrong. Kleber’s long professional experience has covered Unix, Agile, functional and OOP languages, REST APIs, distributed apps, and the cloud.